Chicken Pot Pie

Serves 2 – 3. Contributed by Genevieve Blaine from Austin, TX

Recipe Country of Origin:

Dish Category: Dinner

Recipe’s Source: Cook gave it verbally, Watched it being prepared

When was it served: Regularly

How is it served: Individually

I first learned about the recipe from my grandmother. She would make it for us for dinner once a week every wednesday.

No changes were made to the recipe.

I want to share this recipe because it is a tradition in my family that I want to carry for generations. I would like other families to be able to have a recipe that they can carry on as a tradition, too.


1 cup sliced chicken
1/2 cup cheese
3 carrots
1 cup peas
1/2 heavy cream
1 pastry sheet

Mix all ingredients together and put into pan with the puff pastry sheet.